Essential Grammar in Use. Unit 5. I do/work/like etc. (Present Simple)

 A. 👧👨We read a lot.
They have a lot of books.
They read a lot.


👦 I like ice cream.
He`s eating an ice cream.
He likes ice cream.


They read / he likes / I work etc. = the present simple:
he works / she lives / it rains etc.
  1. I work in a shop. My brother works in a bank. (not My brother work)
  2. Lucy lives in London. Her parents live in Scotland.
  3. It rains a lot in winter.
I have → he/she/it has:
  1. Joe has a shower every day.
-es after -s / -sh / -ch:
  • pas→ passes
  • finish → finishes
  • watch →watches 

-y → -ies:

    • stud→ studies
    • try → tries

also:  do → does
go → goes

B. We use the Present Simple for things that are true in general, or for things that happen sometimes or all the time:

  1. I like big cities.
  2. Your English is good. You speak very well.
  3. Tom works very hard. He starts at 7.30 and finishes at 8 o`clock in the evening.
  4. The earth goes round the sun.
  5. We do a lot of different things in our free time.
  6. It costs a lot of money to build a hospital.

C. always / never / often / usually / sometimes + Present Simple

  1. Sue always gets to work early. (not Sue gets always)
  2. I never eat breakfast. (not I eat never)
  3. We often go away at weekends.
  4. Mark usually plays football on Sundays.
  5. I sometimes walk to work, but not very often.
  1. I love my family.
  2. You speak English.
  3. She speaks English.
  4. I play tennis.
  5. My father plays the violin.
  6. She goes to work every day.
  7. Sarah always forgets my name.
  8. I usually go fishing at weekends.
  9. You always know tha answer.
  10. She never puts milk in her tea.
  11. A bird has two wings.
  12. The earth goes round the sun.
  13. Cats like milk.
  14. Some people believe in God.
  15. It snows in winter.
  16. I need your help.
  17. It smells very good.
  18. She always forgets her purse. (сумочка)
  19. I want some water.
  20. I believe you.

5.1 Write these verbs with -s or -es.

  1. (read) she reads
  2. (think) he thinks
  3. (fly) it flies
  4. (dance) he dances
  5. (have) she has
  6. (finish) it finishes
5.2 Complete the sentences about the people in the pictures. Use:

eat   go   live   play   play   sleep

  1. He plays the piano.
  2. They lives in a very big house.
  3. She eats a lot of fruit.
  4. He plays tennis.
  5. They goes to the cinema a lot.
  6. He sleeps seven hours a night.

5.3 Complete the sentences. Use:

boil   close   cost   cost   like   like   meet   open   speak   teach   wash

  1. Maria speaks four languages.
  2. The shops in the city centre usually open at 9 o`clock in the morning.
  3. The City Museum closes at 5 o`clock in the evening.
  4. Tina is a teacher. She teaches mathematics to young children.
  5. My job is very interesting. I meet a lot of people.
  6. Peter`s car is always dirty. He never washes it.
  7. Food is expensive. It costs a lot of money.
  8. Shoes are expensive. They cost a lot of money.
  9. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
  10. Laura and I are good friends. I like her and she likes me.
5.4 Write sentences from these words. Use the right form of the verb (arrive or arrives etc.).

  1. (always / early / Sue / arrive) Sue always arrives early.
  2. (to the cinema / never / I / go) I never go to the cinema.
  3. (work / Martina / hard / always) Martina always works hard.
  4. (like / chocolate / children / usually) Children usually like chocolate.
  5. (Jackie / parties / enjoy / always) Jackie always enjoys parties.
  6. (often / people`s names / I / foget) I often foget people`s names.
  7. (TV / Sam / watch / never) Sam never watches TV.
  8. (usually / dinner / we / have / at 7.30) We usually have dinner at 7.30.
  9. (Kate / always / nice clothes / wear) Kate always wears nice clothes.
5.5 Write sentences about yourself. Use always / never / often / usually / sometimes.

  1. (watch TV in the evening) I usually watch TV in the evening.
  2. (read in bed) I sometimes read in bed.
  3. (get up befor 7 o`clock) I always get up befor 7 o`clock.
  4. (go to work/school by bus) I often go to work by bus.
  5. (drink coffee in the morning) I always drink coffee in the morning.



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