Essential Grammar in Use. Unit 9. I have ... and I`ve got ...

 A. You can say I have or I`ve got, he has or he`s got:

I`ve got a headache.

  • I have blue eyes. or I`ve got blue eyes.
  • Tom has two sisters. or Tom has got two sisters.
  • Our car has four doors. or Our car has got four doors.
  • Sarah isn`t feeling well. She has a headache. or She`s got a headache.
  • They like animals. They have a horse, three dogs and six cats. or They`ve got a horse...
B. I don`t have / I haven`t got etc. (negative)

You can say:

  • I don`t have a car. or I haven`t got a car.
  • They don`t have any children. or They haven`t got any children.
  • It`s a nice house, but it doesn`t have a garden. or ... it hasn`t got a garden.
  • Amy doesn`t have a job at the moment. or Amy hasn`t got a job ...
C. do you have? / have you got? etc. (questions)

You can say:

  • "Do you have a camera?" "No, I don`t." or
    "Have you got a camera?" "No haven`t."

  • "Does Helen have a car?" "Yes, she does." or
    "Has Helen got a car?" "Yes, she has."

  • What kind of car does she have? or ... has she got?

  • How many children do they have? or ... have they got?


9.1 Write these sentences with got. The meaning is the same.

  1. They have two children. They`ve got two children.
  2. She doesn`t have a key. She hasn`t got a key.
  3. He has a new job. He`s got a new job.
  4. Do you have an umbrella? Have you got an umbrella?
  5. We have a lot of work to do. We`ve got a lot of work to do.
  6. I don`t have your phone number. I haven`t got your phone number.
  7. Does your father have a car? Has your father got a car?
  8. How much money do we have? How much money have we got?
9.2 Write these sentences with do / does / don`t / doesn`tThe meaning is the same.

  1. Have you got any money? Do you have any money?
  2. I haven`t got many clothes. I don`t have many clothers.
  3. Has Tom got a brother? Does Tom have a brother?
  4. How many children have they got? How many children do they have?
  5. Have you got any questions? Do you have any questions?
  6. Sam hasn`t got a job. Sam doesn`t have a job.
9.3 Read the questions and answers. Then write sentences about Mark.

  1. Have you got a car? No. He hasn`t got a car.
  2. Have you got a bike? Yes. He`s got a bike. or He has a bike.
  3. Have you got a dog? No. He hasn`t got a dog. or He doesn`t have a dog.
  4. Have you got a mobile phone? Yes. He ha`s got a mobile phone. or He has a mobile phone.
  5. Have you got a watch? No. He hasn`t got a watch. or He doesn`t have a watch.
  6. Have you got any brothers or sisters? Yes, two brothers and sister. He`s got two brothers and sister. or He has two brothers and sister.
What about you? Write sentences with I`ve got or I haven`t got.

  1. (a dog) I`ve got a dog.
  2. (a bike) I haven`t got a bike.
  3. (brothers / sisters) I`ve got a brother but I haven`t got a sister.
9.4 Complete the sentences. Use have, has, don`t have or doesn`t have.

  1. Sarah doesn`t have a car. She goes everywhere by bike.
  2. They like animals. They have three dogs and two cats.
  3. Charles isn`t happy. He has a lot of problems.
  4. They are always busy. They don`t have much free time.
  5. "What`s wrong?" "I have something in my eye."
  6. "Where`s my pen?" "I don`t know. I don`t have it."
  7. Amy wants to go to the concert, but she doesn`t have a ticket.
9.5 Complete the sentences. Use have/has got or haven`t/ hasn`t got with:

six legs   a key   a headache    a lot of friends    a job    much time

  1. I`n not feeling very well. I`ve got a headache.
  2. Everybody likes Tom. He`s got a lot of friends.
  3. She can`t open the door. She hasn`t got a key.
  4. Quick! We haven`t got much time.
  5. An insect has got six legs.
  6. I`m unemployed. I haven`t got a job.
Additional exercises

5. Read the questions and Clare`s answers. Then write sentences about Clare.

  1. Are you married? No. She isn`t married.
  2. Do you live in London? Yes. She lives in London.
  3. Are you a student? Yes. She is a student.
  4. Have you got a car? No. She hasn`t got a car.
  5. Do you go out a lot? Yes. She goes out a lot.
  6. Have you got a lot of friends? Yes. She`s got a lot of friends.
  7. Do you like London? No. She doesn`t like London.
  8. Do you like dancing? Yes. She likes dancing.
  9. Are you interested in sport? No. She isn`t interested in sport.
Supplementary Exercises

20. Complete the descriptionof Ruth with has got (`s got) / hasn`t got or have got (`ve got) / haven`t got.
Ruth is 21. She`s got fair hair and blue eyes. She`s got two brothers, Will and Carl, but she hasn`t got any sisters. Her brothers have got brown hair and brown eyes. One of her brothers, Will, is married. He`s got two children, so Ruthis an aunt. She lives with her parents in a house. It`s got five rooms, but it hasn`t got a garden. She`s got a small room in the house. In it she`s got her laptop and a TV.She`s got a car, but the parents haven`t got one because they can`t drive.

What about you? Write about yourself and other people you know. Write positive and negative sentences for each person.
I`ve got long hair. I`ve got fair hair and green eyes. I`ve got one brother. I haven`t got a sister. I haven`t got a car. My parents have got a big house. They`ve got a car. They`ve got garden near house. Our neighbours haven`t got a car. They`ve got a big house. My teacher hasn`t got a car. He`s got a dog. My best friend has got a problem. She hasn`t got a job.

21. Write questions with got (have you got ... ?, has it got ... ? etc.).

  1. MARY: Tim is a good photographer.
    PAT: What kind of camera has he got?
  2. HELEN: My neighbours love dogs.
    PAN: How many have they got?
  3. PETER: Jack and Sally have bought a new house.
    SUE: How many rooms has it got?
  4. DIANA: Tony wants to talk to you.
    ALEX: Has he got my mobile number?
  5. MARTIN: My sister and brother-in-law have been married for six years.
    ROSE: Have thet got any children?
  6. TONY: Kate is going to the dentist this afternoon.
    ALICE: Has she got toothache?
  7. CHRIS: Can you write down Jon`s new address for me?
    SARAH: Sure. Have you got a pen?


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